Thematic briefs

Improve acceptance of water reuse

Harmonious governance frameworks for water reuse

Gender mainstreaming in water reuse

Scientific publications

Expanding water reuse in the Middle East and North Africa: Policy report

From wastewater to resource

Unpacking wastewater reuse arrangements through a new framework: insights from the analysis of Egypt

Training material

Governance and Reuse safety Plans Handbook English version

Handbook Economic for Reuse Projects English version

Training Handbook - Stakeholders' acceptance and gender integration in reuse interventions

E-learning platform

Introduction of the Concept of gender mainstreaming in water and sanitation and why Gender is Central to Water and Sanitation?

Methods to understand, analyze and consider women and men interests’ when formulating reuse projects and policies

Methods to increase Stakeholders’ acceptance of a given reuse project


Salt water pond at the Azraq basin, this place was used earlier used to extract salt (malahhat) - Jordan
Photo credit: Seersa Abaza / IWMI
Farmers cultivating lettuce, while another farmer digs a small chanal (marrwa) with a donkey
Photo credit: Hamish John Appleby / IWMI
Drop of water falling from a leaf
Photo credit: Hamish John Appleby / IWMI
Medawachchiya village tank / reservoir located in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka
Photo credit: Hamish John Appleby / IWMI

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