How the MENA region can secure a sustainable water supply
Water is part of every step in the food value chain, from food production to processing and consumption. A dependency that is hampering food security in a water scarce region such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Securing MENA’s water supply
Water is part of every step in the food value chain, from food production to processing and consumption. This dependency is hampering food security in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Egypt and Middle East: Reusing water urgently needed
Comprising 11 of the 17 most water-stressed countries in the world, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is considered the most water-scarce region in the world, according to UNICEF.
Egypt’s water challenge
Prominent water management expert Khaled Abu Zeid explains the growing need to move from conventional to non-conventional water resources to Al-Ahram Weekly.
A Dialogue on the Local and National Targets of Egypt’s 2030 for Water Reuse at the Fourth NLA meeting
ReWater MENA project, in cooperation with the Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE), organized the Fourth National Learning Alliance (NLA) Virtual Dialogue in Egypt on Water Reuse to validate the national and local targets for water reuse 2030.
ReWater MENA organizes workshop on the Safe Use of Wastewater in Lebanon
The workshop aims to build and strengthen the capacities of different stakeholders and participants from Lebanon in the field of safe use of wastewater, building on four training modules. The modules include: Stakeholders’ acceptance and gender integration in reuse interventions, assessing the Economic Feasibility for Integrated Wastewater Reuse (WWR) Projects: From Formulation to Reporting, Governance and Reuse Safety Plans, and Water Reuse Technologies.
Egypt: No more ‘easy water’
In an attempt to expand the safe reuse of wastewater in the Middle East and North Africa, ReWater MENA, which addresses barriers to water reuse in the region, held a workshop in Egypt meant to build and strengthen the capacities of various stakeholders and participants in the country.
Workshop of wastewater safe use concludes in Egypt on Sunday
The Safe use of Wastewater workshop in Egypt, organised by the International Water management Institute (IWMI) – ReWater MENA project, will be wrapped up on Sunday with a closing ceremony to be held later in the day.
Wastewater is only water source that increases as population grows: Regional IWMI Head
Wastewater presents a great potential for bridging the supply-demand gap as it is the only water source that increases as the population grows.
IWMI organizes workshop for safe use of wastewater in Egypt
Cairo – 11 April 2021: The Safe Use of Wastewater workshop organized in Egypt this week will conclude on Sunday, which aimed to build and strengthen the capacities of different stakeholders and participants from Egypt in the field of safe use of wastewater. The workshop was organized by the International Water management Institute (IWMI) – ReWater MENA project, in collaboration with Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) during the period April 4-11, 2021.